Month: October 2019

How to Fix Squeaky Floors by Using a Nail Gun

Squeaky floors happen even though you might not want them to.   Though it’s not that common like leaky roofing for the house owners and you have to prepare for that it may happen if you use wooden

Date Icon October 30, 2019 Comment Icon No Comment

Angle and Degree Differences of Different Framing

When it comes to framing nailers, you have different types of framing nailers to choose from. These tools can be different from each other in various ways, such as in the power source they use, or whether

Date Icon October 26, 2019 Comment Icon 1 Comment

Nail Gun Safety: Its All About Using with Care

The stats on nail gun use among carpenters aren’t exactly encouraging. Up to 40% are injured within their first 4 years of training. Twenty percent are injured twice within that period, and even 10% get

Date Icon October 10, 2019 Comment Icon No Comment

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